Hello Pamperettes!

Pain in our body is always frustrating, especially when it stands in the way of performing at our best. Knee pain is particularly problematic, especial if it is due to a sports-related injury; treat it immediately instead of pushing through the ache. The longer you wait, the more likely you would be seeking treatment for compensatory pain in your feet, hip, back and neck.

Massage therapy is the best way to treat your knee injury. Our therapist’s goal is to get to the root of the problem and help you better understand the cause of pain and ways of prevention.

Depending on your specific case, massage might be gentle to minimise swelling and promote lymphatic circulation - Swedish massage tailored with Meridian Stretch is a brilliant option for you. On the other hand, perhaps you are struggling with insidious injury due to more extended periods of neglect and need a targeted programme to resolve the issue, such as Prestigious Pampering’s Post-Workout Recovery.

Our certified therapist will unravel and release structures around your knee that is likely to exacerbate pain using various massage techniques to restore integrity and balance to the knee joint. There are several contributing factors making every person’s injury unique, and a thorough consultation is crucial to creating a plan of action. Therefore, our consultation forms will gather as much information about your injury history, pain patterns, joint movement and postural alignment.

Alternatively, schedule a free 15-minute consultation with our therapist and restore your confidence in living pain-free.