Hello Pamperettes!

Back pain is very common, and the cause rarely gets identified, unfortunately. An ache in the lower back is one of the most usual complaints I hear from my clients. It is essential to gain insight into the muscle groups supporting the spine to understand this problem better.

The two major muscles that play an essential role in supporting your lower back are the quadratus Lumborum and the Gluteus Medius.

The Quadratus Lumborum, allowing you to bend backwards and sideways, can cause stabbing pain when fatigued, stiff or strained. In addition, Tigger point nodules and entrapment of the nerves within its fibres are issues that require your therapist’s immediate attention.

Tightness of the Gluteus Medius causes sciatica - the muscle responsible for lifting our legs sideways and keeping our hips levelled when walking. Repetitive trauma or strenuous physical activity are the most common reasons for this issue to occur.

Staying as active as possible and stretching exercises like yoga are crucial components of maintaining a strong and healthy back. In addition, massage therapy provides substantial healing with its benefits ranging from restored mobility to improved mental health.

Prestigious Pamperettes have given excellent feedback on our Bespoke Body Massage treatments. They have trusted the magical hands of our licensed therapists in reducing tension and pain and supporting muscle recovery. In addition, our founder Chantel is well-known for melting all problematic knots and back tightness during her Deep Tissue holistic practices.

The restorative Meridian Stretch technique is a beautiful addition to your massage of choice. Harnesses the natural dynamics of breath to bring body, mind and soul together and get your balance back.